Where Do I Start?


Why do we need it?

Scripture explains that we become lost when we follow our road instead of God's high road. We reject God himself and his right to exercise authority over those to whom He gives life. This ultimately leads us to sin against God’s rules. As you know, breaking rules requires punishment.

What is it?

Ancient Scripture tells us that because God loves us, He sent His son, Jesus, into our world with a mission to find and rescue the lost. (John 3:16) 

Jesus took our punishment. When He was killed, He died as our substitute taking our judgment. His shed blood was necessary to take away our sin.

Three days later, God raised Him from the dead, confirming to us that Jesus is His unique Son.

How do I get it? 

God calls us to have a change of heart, to turn away from our rebellion against Him, to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, and to choose Him as the ruler of our lives. 

When we do, He completely forgives us! He gives us new life with access to God, a new purpose and places us in church family. He promises that we will live with Him in eternity. 

What next?

  • Live for God and His eternal purposes
  • Pray (talk to God) and read the Bible daily
  • Join a vibrant Christian church
  • Be baptized
  • Study the Bible, alone or in a group
  • Build strong Christian relationships
  • Trust God who has the power to change things
  • Resist any urges to turn away from God
  • Tell others