
We Value...

... the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Given to mankind through the Holy Spirit to build us up, and to comfort, correct and guide us through life.  

... the teaching of the Word of God.  We believe God’s design for the church is to receive its teachings on a regular basis. Also, we believe the Word may be expressed through vocal gifts of the Holy Spirit such as prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom, tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.  

... the opportunity to worship God publicly and corporately. Worship is the act of giving God the glory and praise that is due Him. It includes (but is not limited to): speaking or shouting praise, singing, dancing, clapping, and playing instruments.  

... the family as a God-ordained institution in which to know Him and a workplace of the Holy Spirit. We value the roles described in Scripture for husbands, wives, parents, children, and believe them to be the standard for family structure.

... leadership as it is seen in Scripture. Therefore, leaders must be called by God, full of faith, and reliable.

... the presence of God in our meetings. Because each believer brings his or her own measure of grace to gatherings, we believe that attendance and participation is the normal responsibility of each member of the church.

... spiritual growth in the lives of believers. The ultimate goal for every believer is to be transformed into the image of Christ, which is accomplished by the application of the Word of God through faith.  

... the attitude and practice of financial faithfulness. This attitude starts with the belief that everything belongs to God, and that He supplies for all our needs. Therefore, we give tithes and offerings as a demonstration of our trust in Him.  

... the church’s role as “salt and light” to the earth. Therefore, we speak out against social, racial, and economic injustice in our society. We also seek to take action to remedy such injustices whenever possible.

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