Connecting for a deeper faith and meaningful fellowship.

Get excited and join one of our seasonal Small Groups here at LBCC!

Our Spring Small Groups are over for the season, look out for more information about our Summer Small Groups!

Have a question? Click here to ask! 

  • Wednesdays, 5:30pm-8pm at the Brynildsens

    If you are new to this church, then this dinner group is for you; a meeting place for food, meaningful fellowship, and an opportunity to learn more about Long Branch Covenant Church. Start your connection today!  

    Click Here to sign up!

  • Tuesdays 6:30pm-8pm in the LBCC Family Room

    Love and Respect: Building Blocks - 
    A marriage study that is entertaining, enlightening and gives fresh, Biblical insight to your marriage

  • Wednesdays 7pm-8:30pm in the LBCC Conference Room

    Bridging the Gap: Discussions to Encourage Women to Women Relationships. This group will use videos to study discipleship, friendship and how to become a woman of influence in God's kingdom. 

  • Fridays 7pm-8:30pm at the Clark's

    Discover how to develop Christian character, have victory over sin, and grow toward maturity in your walk with God.

  • Tuesdays 7pm-8:30pm at the Taylor's

    Understanding the Bible correctly requires the right approach and tools to dig deeper into Scripture. This group study provides those tools to students who want to learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible.

  • Every other Monday 7pm at the Adams'


    Pay off your debt. It’s no fun living paycheck to paycheck. Enjoy your money without owing it to someone else and save for the future. Perfect to take with your spouse or single. Learn what God has to say about how you handle your money and do something about it. This is a 2 season group.